Florence County School District
The School District of Florence County is committed to empowering all students with knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to be successful, contributing citizens in an ever changing global society.

NWTC - Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
We are a two-year technical college, serving Northeast Wisconsin by providing education, training, and life-long learning opportunities for individuals and businesses leading to the development of a skilled workforce. Our customers stimulate the economic vitality of our district as a result of the application of skills and knowledge acquired through the completion of certificates, degrees, diplomas, and courses.

We will provide all learners the highest quality, life-long learning opportunities that are what you want, when you want, where you want and how you want them so you may continue learning and successfully engage in a career that enhances your quality of life in a global community.

Remember it's not how much you spend on your education that matters most. It's what you get from your investment. At NWTC, our graduates have a high employability rate. It's just one more reason to choose NWTC. We offer 100+ degrees, diplomas and apprenticeships, 80+ certificates and we have transfer agreements with 28 colleges and universities.

In Florence County, NWTC offers a variety of courses and enrichment classes in both Florence and Aurora for learners of all ages. NWTC has parternered with Florence High School to provide dual credit classes in a number of subject matters enabling students to graduate from high school with college credits.

NWTC also operates the Woodland Kitchen & Business Incubator in Aurora. This shared-use kitchen is a certified, fully-equipped commercial kitchen for use by growers, food processors, caterers, restaurants, chefs, special event food vendors, bakers, groups, organizations, and more. Users of the kitchen pay an hourly fee, a fraction of the cost of renovating or converting a home kitchen or building a commercial kitchen. This facility supports the business aspects of food processing such as: writing a business plan, labeling, packaging, marketing and distribution. Woodland Kitchen information can be found here.

WRIC Environmental Stewardship Programs
The purpose of "The Friends of the Florence Wild Rivers Interpretive Center" is to support and assist the Florence Natural Resource and Wild Rivers Interpretive Center resource user groups, and conservation groups in the education, promotion, study and implementation of environmentally sound management practices which promote balanced resource utilization.

Environmental Stewardship Programs at the Florence Natural Resource and Wild Rivers Interpretive Center
Program Times are 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm Central Time except where noted. All Programs are subject to change due to speaker availability and, unless otherwise noted, please call for up to date information.

All programs are presented in the Lower Level Conference Room of the Florence Natural Resource & Wild Rivers Interpretive Center located off Hwy 70/101 and US Hwy 2. They are brought to you by the Friends of the Wild Rivers Interpretive Center in cooperation with the following agencies: Florence District USDA Forest Service, Florence Wisconsin DNR, Florence County Forestry & Parks Department, and Florence County UW-Extension. Programs are free of charge, open to the public and welcome children.

For further information or to submit program suggestions, please contact the Florence Wild Rivers Interpretive Center at exploreflorencecounty.com or (715) 528-5377 ext 101. Program venues and restrooms are completely accessible. If you have special needs, or if you require special accommodations, please call the number above or write to the Wild Rivers Interpretive Center, 5628 Forestry Drive, Florence, WI, 54121.

Florence County Library
Located adjacent to Florence Middle/High School at 400 Olive Ave, Florence 715-528-3094. Hours are Tuesday through Friday 10am to 6pm. Sat 9am - noon. Closed Sunday and Monday. Part of the 8 County Nicolet Federated Library System.