Do you want to start-up a new business?
Check out this link on entrepreneurship for a how-to guide.
Or click here for a How to Start a Business in WI resource.
FCED Sponsored Free Business Counselor
Writing a business plan is the most critical step of opening a new business. Florence County offers free services from business counselors who help new entrepreneurs write a detailed business plan to include start-up cost projections, cash flow projections, market analysis, a marketing plan, and resources for financing your business. The Business Counselors also work with existing businesses on anything from how to plan an expansion or advertising campaign to addressing cash flow issues or delinquent accounts receivables. They are familiar with SBA and USDA Rural Development loan programs and other state and federal government programs for small business. Appointments can be made by calling Eric Printz FCEDC (715)528-3294.
Florence County Chamber of Commerce
Promotes Florence County and its businesses in order to create an environment beneficial to the growth and prosperity of the entire community. Visit for membership information.
NWTC Woodland Kitchen & Business Incubator
Do you have a special recipe or food product you would like to process and sell to the public? State law requires these items be prepared in an inspected and licensed commercial kitchen. A shared-use kitchen incubator is a certified, fully-equipped commercial kitchen for use by growers, food processors, caterers, restaurants, chefs, special event food vendors, bakers, groups, organizations, and more. Users of the kitchen will pay an hourly fee, a fraction of the cost of renovating and converting a home kitchen or building a commercial kitchen. The facility will support the business aspects of food processing such as: writing a business plan, labeling, packaging, marketing and distribution. Wodland Kitchen will also be available to area restaurants and caterers to allow them greater flexibility in the jobs they take on. To learn more, contact 715-589-2768 or visit our site.
County Land and Tax Information by Parcel
Click here for County GIS Land Mapping system
Click here for County Property Tax Record database by parcel and owner